Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Anthroposophy Research

is a human oriented spiritual philosophy that reflects and speaks to the deep spiritual questions of humanity, to our basic artistic needs, to the need to relate to the world out of a scientific attitude of mind, and to the need to develop a relation to the world in complete freedom and based on completely individual judgments and decisions.

Quote by Rudolf Steiner:

"Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge, to guide the Spiritual in the human being to the Spiritual in the universe. It arises in man as a need of the heart, of the life of feeling; and it can be be justified only inasmuch as it can satisfy this inner need. He alone can acknowledge anthroposophy, who finds in it what he himself in his own inner life feels impelled to seek. Hence only they can be anthroposophists who feel certain questions on the nature of man and the universe as an elemental need of life, just as one feels hunger and thirst."

The main organization for Anthroposophy is now known as the national Anthroposophical Societies.

Developed by Rudolf Steiner at the end of the 19th century

It is also an impulse to nurture the life of the soul in the individual and in human society.

Steiner designed thirteen building that were very unique using organic-expressionistic architectural style.

Here are two of his designs for the two Goetheanum buildings in Dornach, Switzerland. 



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Paul Baumer

I am Paul Baumer. I am no war hero, I am just an ordinary guy who likes to drink beer and think about girls. While occasionally writing plays on the side; known as Saul.  Over my time of being a soldier, I have transitioned into a great judge of character and “a force for gentle kindness in a world engulfed by brutality.” I was a family man before, but after many terrifying experiences in the war, I feel like I don’t belong anywhere else but the war. I have lost all feelings. After killing Gerard Duval, I realized that the people we are fighting are the same as us. I felt guilty for killing him although it was my duty and I will have to live with it for the rest of my life.

Chapter 4: Summary

The men are sent on a mission to lay barbed wire at the front before they approach the enemies. They are embraced by the front and fear is no longer a feeling; only to rookies.  Three shells land near them and the earth feels like its quaking. On there way to the front, they pass shell holes on their walk, and shortly have to put cigarettes and pipes out because they were close to the enemies. Out of nowhere, the sky lights up with bombs and fire and the bombardment begins.  While the soldiers are crawling under heavy fire, they pass bodies; some dead, some terrified and alive. Paul discovers that one of the rookies had went to the bathroom in their pants and kindly tells him to throw them out and not to worry. Paul was not going to be uptight and obnoxious like the other soldiers such as Himmelstoss. The men come across a loose coffin lid and throw out the body and hide in the coffin for protection. The shelling had stopped Later on, Paul sees a rookie walking around without a mask and tears his off too. The men find a wounded soldier who was the rookie that had went to the bathroom in his pants earlier.  They come to realize that this soldier will more than likely not make it through the night, so they decided together to take him out of his misery. They were just about to shoot and then other soldiers arrived on the scene. They know he will now die a long and painful death. They think about those who have fallen before them as they carefully drive home through the wired areas for defense.